Blackberry lemonade

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Preparation time: 10 minutes

3 cups fresh blackberries (or thawed, unsweetened frozen blackberries)
3 cups plus 4 cups cold water
6 packets NutraSweet (may add more or use less depending on sweetness of blackberries)
1 tub (approximately 1/2 ounce) sugar-free pink lemonade mix
9 sprigs fresh mint

Place blackberries, 3 cups of water, NutraSweet, and drink mix in blender, cover, and process until smooth. Pour half of fruit mixture through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a 2-quart pitcher. Use a large spoon to help force juice through strainer. Discard solids in strainer and rinse out. Strain remaining fruit mixture. Add 4 cups of water to blackberry lemonade in pitcher. Stir well. Serve over ice and garnish each glass with a fresh mint sprig.

Yield: 9 cups
Serving Size: 1 cup

Nutrition Facts

Per Serving:
Calories: 23
Carbohydrate: 4 g
Protein: <1 g
Fat: <1 g
Saturated fat: 0
Sodium: 0
Fiber: 0
Exchanges per serving: Free
Carbohydrate choices: 0

This recipe was developed by Tami Ross, a Diabetes Nutrition Specialist and Certified Diabetes Educator in Lexington, Kentucky.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.